Thursday, May 2, 2013

Food Haiku 2013! Win 2 Tickets to Next Week's Taste of the Nation! -

taste-of-nationI?ve been traveling the past few weeks and almost missed running the 2013 ?fooku?, Portland Food and Drink?s annual food haiku contest. Once again I have partnered with Share Our Strength?s Taste of the Nation at McMenamin?s Crystal Hotel & Ballroom. The winner will receive two general-admission tickets for the event on Tuesday May 7th (a $170 value!).

Enjoy an evening with Oregon?s Best Chefs, Winemakers, Brewers & Distillers as they come together to end childhood hunger.

Each ticket purchased helps support Share Our Strength?s efforts in eliminating childhood hunger as well as our local beneficiaries. In the wake of staggering reports that nearly half of all children in the U.S. will be on food stamps at the some point in their life, there is no time to waste. The time to act is now.

Thank you for your continued support in our mission to ensure that no kid goes hungry and we look forward to seeing you at the Taste of the Nation Portland 2013!

You can read more information about the event at If you planning to attend, you might want to read Sud?s Sisters ?Taste of the Nation: a Battle Plan?. This doesn?t give you much time, so sharpen your pencils and wax poetic! I will announce and notify the winner on Sunday morning, so be sure to keep an eye on the site, and use an email address where I can reach you.

The rules are pretty simple. Your entry must be in haiku format. The ancient art of haiku requires precision: a five syllable first line; seven syllable second line; and five syllable third line. Many haiku features a last line that works like a friendly elbow in the ribs. We only ask that your entry be about food or wine.

[A syllable is a part of a word capable of being pronounced by a single impulse of the voice. I?m sure someone can explain this more simply than me, but it?s the way the word rolls off of the tongue. ?Cat? is one syllable. ?Be-cause? is two. ?Syl-la-ble? is three.]

Check out the winning entries from earlier years below for ideas and to get the feel of haiku. Have fun! Please leave your entries in the comment section of this post, one entry per comment. I?ll need your email address to notify you if you win, but it will be kept private, and will never be given to anyone else. Entries will close on Sunday May 5th at 12pm. The winner will be picked by the Food Dudes and Taste of the Nation?s PR firm. . Tickets will be waiting at will-call

Here are winning ?fooku? from various contest over the years:


By Dave

to err is human
and to forgive is divine
I served red with fish

Honorable mention to Amber:

Wine filled our glasses,
Lingered on your lips, so I
Drank too much of both.


By Kassie Halpin Robinson:
Fresh, raw, exquisite:
Salmon?s salt, tang, rests on pearls
Wasabi bursts through

By What?s for supper?:
The comfort of food
Shared with family and friends
Saved me this hard year.

By AmandaAngelaMarjorie:
sips bubbly and cooks
sizzling greens in garlic cloves
low spring moon hangs full


By Mark:
Morning coffee brews
Melting butter on warm toast
The furnace kicks in

By Maria W.
Give me some pasta
forkfuls of love and ruin.
The wine?s nearly gone.

By Maria W:
Farmers Market says
?no dogs this year.? May I bring
Spot, my truffle pig?


By MySwanDive:
inhale swirls of cab
palate warmed, bask in the fire
newly lit like me

By Zac Stafford:
He cooked with passion.
The real reason we broke up?
Knives in dishwasher


By CookForHire:
sound of meat browning
feel of knife through vegetable:
a true cook?s reward

By Womby:
at last, no jacket
instead, i grab sunglasses
soon come the favas

By Truth:
airy is the crumb
earthy, this crust of Pearl
heavenly, the smell


By Fathom:
Now forego the fork
Hold close this slice of heaven
Perfect on a crust

By Pam:
Champagne, strawberries
and you, here in my warm bed.
Who cares if it rains?

By Witzend:
How bad could it be?
Real bad. Think Hung Far Low bad.
Ok, fine! YOU choose.


mindy mccready mindy mccready downton abbey nba all star game danica patrick Michelle Laxalt Alabama Shakes

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