Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Student Opinion | Would You Want a Pair of Google's Computer ...

Are wearable computers the next big technological innovation? Do you see yourself walking around with computerized glasses a few years from now, snapping pictures, sending messages or getting directions? Or is the hype and controversy misplaced?

Would you want the device, known as Google Glass?

In the article ?Google Glass Picks Up Early Signal: Keep Out,? David Streitfeld writes about the resistance to Google?s wearable technology, which is still a work in progress.

Google?s wearable computer, the most anticipated piece of electronic wizardry since the iPad and iPhone, will not go on sale for many months.

But the resistance is already under way.

The glasseslike device, which allows users to access the Internet, take photos and film short snippets, has been pre-emptively banned by a Seattle bar. Large parts of Las Vegas will not welcome wearers. West Virginia legislators tried to make it illegal to use the gadget, known as Google Glass, while driving.

?This is just the beginning,? said Timothy Toohey, a Los Angeles lawyer specializing in privacy issues. ?Google Glass is going to cause quite a brawl.?

As personal technology becomes increasingly nimble and invisible, Glass is prompting questions of whether it will distract drivers, upend relationships and strip people of what little privacy they still have in public.

Students: Tell us ?

  • Would you want a pair of Google?s computer glasses?
  • Are you an early adopter? Do you like to own the newest gadgets right when they come out?
  • What would you use a wearable computer like Google Glass for?
  • Do you think Google Glass takes technology too far? Will it invade our privacy when people can so easily shoot videos or record conversations secretly? Will it distract drivers ? or students in the classroom?
  • Do you think smart glasses will be the next big must-have device, like iPhones and iPads, or do you think they will never attract such mass appeal?

Students 13 and older are invited to comment below. Please use only your first name. For privacy policy reasons, we will not publish student comments that include a last name.


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