Wednesday, May 8, 2013

National Skin Cancer Awareness Month ? The Itinerant Golfer

Posted on May 8th, 2013

May is National Skin Cancer Awareness Month and with as much time as we golfers spend in the sun we should learn how to be careful. The Center for Disease Control recommends using sunscreen with at least 15 SPF. I personally always buy the highest I can find on the shelf. For the last couple of years I?ve been a big fan of the Coppertone Sport product line. They made a sunscreen in a stick that looks like a large chapstick and is very easy to apply to the face and ear areas. Being in a stick makes it easy to reapply mid round without getting it all over your hands which is nice for golfers. Coppertone Sport also makes an aerosol sunscreen that is great for hitting arms, legs and the back of the neck and again eliminates the need to to get sunscreen on your hands mid-round.

It?s also worth mentioning that clothing manufacturers are starting to develop UV protection clothing lines. Nike has a number of products available and I suspect that many more apparel companies will be following their lead. Even with taking these preventative measures, it is still wise to visit your dermatologist once a year to get your skin checked. There?s not many things worse than getting a terminal disease from doing something that we love as much as golf, so be smart this summer and make sure to protect yourself.


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