Sunday, August 5, 2012

Effective Ways To Become Better At Love, Dating And Relationships ...

Most of the guys that I meet tell me that their greatest wish in life is to completely master their love lives and relationships. These are the same guys who are super successful at their careers ? many of them are investment bankers and management consultants with companies such as McKinsey, Boston Consulting Group and Accenture. Why are they so upwardly mobile, and at the same time so clueless at dating and seducing women? The mind indeed boggles?

The reality is that most guys are not TRAINED when it comes to dating and relationships. They may hold advanced degrees from places like Harvard or University of Greenwich but they are clueless when it comes to women simply because they don?t know the best way to deal with women and make them fall in love. And I don?t blame them, really? it?s not their fault. They don?t know how to pick up girls because nobody really told them how.

I normally ask guys to fill up a simple questionnaire whenever they want to engage my services as a dating coach (which is my part time job apart from managing my bookstore ? which is my day job). They usually has these as their sticking points and questions -

  • How do I approach a girl without being rejected?
  • Am I handsome enough?
  • Apart from Neil Strauss, Mystery, Derek Rake and Richard Runes, who are the good dating coaches I must follow?
  • How to kiss a girl?
  • How to impress a girl?
  • How to set up my bachelor pad for seduction success?

These are the burning questions that most guys have about how to get a girl to like you time and again. Knowing the answer to these questions will improve your seduction game by threefold, and makes you a much better seducer. Go research the Internet and you will know the answers to these questions, and more.

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