I have been in a relationship for 3.5 years. He is 5 years older than me, and we have lived together for two of those years.
Last November I moved back home with my parents because me and him were fighting a lot. I got into this bad habit of throwing temper tantrums, like I was a child. I needed to throw something, or hit something. I felt like I was going to burst. That is not something I'm proud of, and have been working VERY hard to improve myself and become a better person.
I dealt with his ex constantly texting him, talking about private relationships, sending him nude pictures of herself. I know that is HER problem, not his. But she doesn't seem like the stupid type, he must of it minded it, and never told her to stop..
Through this angry/ jealous phase, he told me he was no longer attracted to me. Which only made me more paranoid that he was doing something else. He never wants to have sex. And when we do, it's on his terms.
Most of my family and friends tell me how beautiful I am, that I deserve the world. But I am determined to make this work with him. I still hangout with him everyday and talk, we're "trying to work things out" but there is no intimacy.. And I can't figure out what to do, and I'm walking on egg shells because I do NOT want to get rejected.
He constantly tells me " we have a good chance of making this work" then days later he will want to cut off all ties with me, not communicate, then he will tell me days later how much he misses me.
Am I a stupid girl? After typing this out I feel pitiful. Haha. I'm just very determined to show him what a wonderful and beautiful person I am, but I'm afraid the damage is done.
Please help. How can I make this work?