Friday, July 27, 2012

Create Your Own Niche For Better B2B Lead Generation | Callbox ...

July 25th, 2012 Posted in Lead generation and appointment setting, Unique selling proposition

by: Jan Loyola

While there are a lot of obvious benefits to doing business in a specific niche instead of a broad market, if you truly want to be the provider that your sales leads would immediately go to, then you must strive to create your own niche. Creating your own niche would ensure that your future b2b lead generation campaigns would deliver quality business sales leads every time. Furthermore, you can always look forward to qualified b2b appointments when you set meetings with your b2b leads.

But creating a niche isn?t as simple as it seems, although the rewards certainly outweigh the benefits. To create a niche that would yield a lot of potential b2b sales leads, the following will be required of you:

- Be willing to take risks - the whole point of creating your own niche is to take a risk that no one else has done before, or try to succeed in a niche someone else tried to create but never succeeded. Though some would consider you radical for creating your own niche, there will always be open-minded business sales leads who would make your appointment setting successful.

For example: Benjamin Franklin didn?t invent a candle with a longer wick or a slower melting wax to keep things lit at home; nor did Ford invent a better whip or a faster breed of horse to improve human travel. These people saw the need and realized that the currently available solution was not enough. They were willing to take the risk of offering a radically new solution to the existing problem and were met with success.

- Know how to improve on existing technologies ? most of the time, you don?t really have to create an entirely new niche so that you can monopolize all the sales leads and profits that it would generate. The easier (and less riskier) way is to take an existing niche and provide a solution that no one has thought of.

Let?s take for example Apple and their iPad. Though the world mostly credits this to Steve Jobs and his genius, what most don?t know is that Microsoft?s Bill Gates first released a tablet PC in 2002. Even though Gates had introduced a lighter, portable PC to the market, the consumers never left the desktop PC. Now the major difference why the sales of the iPad soared and that of Microsoft barely left the ground is that Apple was able to improve on the existing technology that Microsoft initially developed; Microsoft, on the other hand, merely made everything on their desktop PC smaller to fit the tablet PC.

Niche creation is commonly known as a disruption; and to be better prepared to take on the associated risks of disruption, you would do well to hire an established telemarketing firm that would support your lead generation and appointment setting functions.



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