Monday, September 3, 2012

Reader: ?At huge Jacksonville Landing Romney ... - Legal Insurrection

So writes reader Jim, who sends along several photos from the Romney-Ryan rally in Jacksonville which is starting as of this writing. (added: Prof. Reynolds also is posting reader photos)

He further writes: ?Line for RomneyRyan Jax Landing event ? two lines both way longer than this appears?:

Then ?Jax landing total insanity!!?


Post-script ? Jim?s phone ran out of power so he couldn?t take more photos, but he did send along this account of the afternoon:

Jacksonville Landing was absolutely electric with I would estimate two to three thousand people screamIng for Romney and Ryan. It was a total blast to be there. It was literally one of the most fun things I have ever done.

The warm up speakers included Jennifer Carroll, the African-American Republican Lieutenant Governor of Florida.

Speaking of that, I am surprised at how many African-Americans were there ? there were a lot.

Tons of military veterans too.

Romney and Ryan both look fantastic up close. Ryan is obviously in superb physical condition and Mitt looks great too. Their speeches were great and covered some of the same ground as their convention speeches, but they also totally hammered Obama for the unemployment rate, the drop in average family income of $4000, which I don?t recall hearing before, the national debt, huge cuts to defense spending looming, etc. Mitt also reiterated his 5-point plan. The crowd loved it.

Ann Romney spoke for several minutes too, and she was great.

But the best part was after the speeches were over and Mitt and Paul Ryan came down from the stage to shake hands with the people. Mitt really tried to connect with everyone he could. I pressed forward and eventually got to shake his hand. He had a firm handshake and looked me right in the eye for a split second. I actually forget what I said to him because it was such an insane moment.

I was actually a little afraid because so many people were pushing behind me to get a chance to shake Mitt?s hand. It was totally insane. Like a mosh pit at a rock concert, like maybe an AC/DC or Led Zeppelin concert!

The?level of enthusiasm for this ticket was shockingly high in Jacksonville.

And outside I counted 9, yes 9, lame protestors wearing purple SEIU shirts and screeching unintelligibly. It was perfect.

Update 10:10 p.m. ? Jim follows up:

Holy crap I?m watching the 10 O?clock news and they are saying 9700 people were at the Landing today ? that is unbelievable!! 9700 people!! The Landing is like 150 x 150 feet ? it is two stories but still ? wow!!





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