Thursday, September 6, 2012

Exercises That Can Cure Sleep Apnea and Stop Your Snoring ...

Snoring is not a joke. It can kill you. Snoring is a common symptomof obstructive sleep apnea, a serious medical disorder that occursbecause the airway is obstructed during sleep and breathing completelystops for 10 seconds or more. If you snore, or your partner snores, donot get exasperated and move to a guest room. Go see a doctor. It isestimated that 18 million Americans suffer from undiagnosed anduntreated sleep apnea.

National Institutes of Health (NIH) foundthat 30% of Americans under 40 and 50% over 60 snore. In most cases,the problem is mild and gets fixed by sleeping on your side, or gettinga decongestant. But, in some cases, the symptom is a blessing indisguise, because it forces you to seek medical help. The NationalCouncil on Sleep Disorders attributes 38,000 cardiovascular deaths peryear to consequences of sleep apnea.

What is sleep apnea

Sleepapnea is a pause in breathing during sleep that happens more than fivetimes in one hour. In 84 percent of cases, breathing is prevented by aphysical block to airflow and it manifests itself by snoring. A personsuffering from it does not know that he stopped breathing, just as hedoes not know that he snores.

What makes sleep apnea so serious

Pausesin breathing that are characteristic for apnea are followed by drops inblood oxygen and increases in blood carbon dioxide. This, inconsequence, is associated with an increased risk of cardiovasculardisease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, and even memory loss.The least serious, but no less life changing, are lack of deep sleep,tiredness, daylight headaches, and loss of intimacy because of snoring,which is a common companion of apnea.

Common causes of snoring and apnea

Obesityand increased body weight, prolonged smoking, age, genetics, use ofdrugs and alcohol all increase risk of apnea. People with diabetes havethree times more chance of having apnea.


Thesolutions vary as much as the causes of snoring and sleep apnea. Someare fairly unobtrusive, like special pillows. Others, like various oralappliances made by dentists, can work in some cases, by keeping yourmouth shut, or changing the position of your lower jaw. The moreserious cases require special devices that control breathing calledcontinuous positive airway pressure devices or CPAP. If all else fails,surgery is suggested, although even surgery has only 40 percent successrate.

Exercises as solution for snoring and sleep apnea

Thereare two types of exercises suggested as a solution both for snoring andfor sleep apnea. One is exercising for general health and weight loss,since obesity is one of the most common causes. An increase of fattissue in and around throat tissue can cause air obstruction associatedwith this breathing disorder. Since it is difficult to exercise onlysome particular muscles, it is suggested that better general fitness,muscle tone and loss of weight might improve breathing and preventsnoring and apnea.

Other type of snoring exercises attempt toaddress muscles involved in breathing: jaw, mouth, neck, or face. Manyof the exercises are common in yoga, but some new exercise programswent one step further and combined the work with all involved musclesto improve breathing control and prevent problems associated in theirlack of proper function.

For more information on some effective anti-snoring exercises, you should check out my experience with the best Snoring Solutions that hardly cost a cent. Learn how these Snoring Solutions will stop your snoring easily and effectively.


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