Tuesday, February 28, 2012

WorkLife Essentials: March in WorkLife Essentials - Motherhood

This month in WorkLife Essentials, we've collected a series of valuable resources related to Motherhood and career. ?Thinking about becoming a mother? ?Is Motherhood new to you? ?Or are you always looking for ways to make balancing motherhood and career easier? ?Well, that's what March is all about at WLE.com.
Our first featured article below is about helping work through the common questions women have when deciding to start a family. ?Also, inside WorkLife Essentials, we are featuring more articles in line with starting or growing your family, such as "The Biological Clock", or with particular focus on being a single parent in "Choosing to Become a Single Parent". ?Or, in dealing with obstacles such as infertility in "Dealing With the Stress of Infertility While Working". ?As always, we also feature a number of related resources which can help guide you or your employees in their search for information related to starting a family as a career woman. ?Please look for the Motherhood?promotion link on your homepage once you have logged in, where you can find all of the highlighted articlesOur second featured article is focused on helping a mother with the home side of the Motherhood-Career balancing act, with help for many family types. ?Are you a single parent? ?Are your kids grown up and about to leave the family home on their own for the first time? ?Do you have a blended family? ?Read our collection of articles focussed on any of these situations starting with "Ideas to Help Single Parents", or "When the Children Leave Home", or "Adjusting to Stepfamily Life".We encourage you to follow along with the latest in WorkLife Essentials news and announcements as well as the latest happenings in the Work-Life Balance field at our Blog. ?We also highly encourage feedback and comments and interaction and that's the best place for it. ?As always, you can communicate with us through our Suggestion Box?inside WLE.com. ?If you have trouble viewing our Blog in your area, we also update our "What's New" page with the latest promotion and teaser info regularly.

Choosing the "Right" Time to Start a Family
If you are thinking about starting a family, you are probably thinking a lot about the timing issue. How will parenthood fit in with your career plans and goals? How will you know when it is the ?right? time in your life to start a family?...

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Helping Your Young Baby Grow Through Play
During your baby?s first six months of life, they are likely to astonish you. They will learn to nurse or take from a bottle almost immediately.?They will gaze into your eyes. Soon they will raise?their head, kick off?their covers, and let you know that?they are?a special person unlike anyone else you?ve ever known...

Motherhood and Career: Challenges and Choices
How can you create a working life that fits with raising a family? How can you find a balance? How do other families do it? Working mothers have been struggling with the ?having it all? question for decades. Is it possible to have a family, a fulfilling career, and still find time for yourself? The experts agree that ?having it all? is a myth. But...

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Source: http://blog.worklifeessentials.com/2012/02/march-in-worklife-essentials-motherhood.html

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