Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Voice From the End Of Town: Don't Make Me Call Security

Friendship and relationships are considered to many to be basic conversations on basic topics, things that you would have learned growing up. ?Sadly though, because many consider it to not be an important topic it gets pushed to the back burner so we can talk about more important things. ?So now, we are surrounded by people that really don't get or understand?relationships/friendships in the right way... and maybe you're one of them. ?It's ok. ?Sometimes we just need a trusted friend to sit down and privately talk to us without judgement and pass on pointers or just a little wisdom. ?I hope that's how you'll feel as you listen to my conversation on friendship.

This is my first attempt at an audio post and I haven't figured out how to embed it yet so here's the link. ? ? ? ? ?Don't Make Me Call Security? ?enjoy!


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