Saturday, June 9, 2012

First book to read if I want to learn the stock ... - Investment Place News

Question by Brad R: First book to read if I want to learn the stock market?
I am a 17 year old male who is interested in the stock market. What book should i read first? I heard ?One Up On Wall Street? is really good? What else should i do to learn the Stock Market?

Best answer:

Answer by stward101
Read ?How to Make Money in Stocks? by William O?Neil.
?Trend Following? by Michael Covel
?How to Trade in Stocks? by Jesse Livermore.
I?m a successful stock trader and still re-read these at least once a year.
From these and other books you will develop your own strategy, process and edge which you must have to become a successful trader/investor. It takes many hours of education and practice, but can be worth it if you learn to be objective?interpret and act without emotion. Best of Luck.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Incoming search terms:

  • lindsey williams update on current market - june 8 2012

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