Sunday, June 3, 2012

Contraception Prevents More Than Babies ? Complementarian Loners

There has been a lot of information from different sources about the impact of contraception on our world, upon relationships, upon the women?s psychology & physiology, and upon the bonding & choice of mates. Roissey has even written about this.

I will make a strident assertion: A man and a woman cannot develop a great relationship if contraception is part of it or if they met while she was using hormonal artificial birth control. REAL committed, trusting, exclusive sexual intercourse is essential.

This is way more than a religious assertion. It backed by studies and science, although research is discouraged and the information is trivialized or repressed.

Recently I heard a story about a good woman that could not let go of her necessity to not have another child. Yet she was a single mother and strongly desired to find a man to bond to. The discussion of boundaries and full trust, acceptance and commitment did not happen. (Such discussion is often explicit and arousing. Christians wrongly avoid such and conflate arousal with lust.) The result was not what she longed for; it seems that avoidance of the discussion contributed to the act that was not discussed since possibly it would have caused an ?occasion of sin? or lead to ?impure thoughts.? She is still single and unclaimed, she is now discouraged about relationships.

Frank discussions about boundaries did not occur and each withheld from the other while seeking a relationship. She withheld her fertility and so she easily succumbed. He withheld his commitment because it was not required.

Since we have been exposing femDOM (the overt and the subtle), let?s examine further. Birth Control is a misnomer since this is her speaking through her body saying, ?I control when I will give birth, not God, not a man.? It doesn?t require any respect for fertility since fertility is subverted. This puts the woman in the dominant position and she then determines when and under what conditions she will ACQUIRE his seed rather than being open to RECEIVE. (Is woman not a vessel?)

Usually the contraception is done by the woman, it messes with her body; she blocks the ability to receive and the whole exercise becomes taking pleasure from the other. Of course, she can always lie about taking it or not taking it. This is in essence lying with the body. A man can lie too if he withholds his gift by vasectomy or by condom.

We often hear, ?My body my choice? ? Who are YOU to say anything, YOU?RE a MAN so you don?t know what it?s like to be a WOMAN and it?s none of your business, even though it?s your child? It is women acting as succubi. And so the ultimate end of a failed attempt to block PROCREATION is abortion. After all, God surely did not do his part and create a soul for the life that she did not intend to receive, right? Does her hamster prevent God from fulfilling his part of creation? Not likely!

This is an intense post and has taken a lot of energy to write. I am left with the impression that subverting fertility may be just as much an abomination to God as is divorce.

Can men and women have what they so deeply desire (in a relationship) while withholding the central gift of self? Have Christians stopped to consider the word PROCREATION? We participate in the CREATION of God in our act of sexual intercourse. We assist in CREATION of a body, but God provides the soul. CREATION is intended to occur in conjunction with a COVENANT. Can intercourse be unitive if this element is totally removed from the act of marriage, in the one-flesh-union?

A COVENANT is an OATH, a BINDING and a COMMITMENT. This is more than a contract or a whim. The sublime pleasure of sexual intercourse cannot happen when such aspects are blocked. The kind of fulfilling sex that every person longs for and rarely experiences is also precluded when the woman endeavors to control the relationship. In order for her to feel the fullness of the union, she must be claimed in a COVENANT to one man PERMANENTLY.

When a woman is not claimed in God?s way, she is left with guilt and she beats herself up. She often withdraws and hides from the world by avoiding people. This is her conscience, which is a good. If she did not feel this, she would actually be a common slut. Since she feels regret, she has not fallen to that state. The danger is in returning to human interaction and again following the same script. In a way, her pain comes from not risking everything. So the remedy is for her to risk ALL and not block, but also to not physically unite too soon. Through this she tests a man to determine if he is fully committed and will claim her, own her, treasure her in perpetuity. She then becomes not merely a moment of pleasure but his companion for life.

Science reveals that women choose biologically similar men rather than biologically complementary men when they are hormonally changed by artificial contraception due to the state of mimicked pregnancy, which causes them to seek familiar men subconsciously.

Furthermore, succumbing to passionate desire is easier without the risk of pregnancy and therefore commitment is not essential prior to the parting of thighs. Does this ever turn out for the good?

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