Saturday, May 19, 2012

Revisiting Hollywood's gems | Arts & Entertainment | South Philly ...

Here?s a look at 10 films celebrating a milestone anniversary worthy of a fresh screening.

With roughly a dozen new movies released in theaters each week, one doesn?t often think to skip the latest and greatest and revisit classics of the past. Such is why anniversaries are great for old films ? they provide an event through which titles of yesterday can be recognized, and sometimes, inspire new viewers to catch a gem they regrettably missed. In honor of this anniversary issue, 10 films have been selected for celebration, each one hitting a milestone this year. All are worth rediscovering, or perhaps, discovering for the first time.


20th Anniversary:


The Crying Game


Known by many as a movie with one big gender-bending shocker, Neil Jordan?s ?The Crying Game? isn?t often given proper credit as an air-tight, highly unique drama, with an unlikely love triangle tied to the events of the Irish Troubles. With superb performances from Stephen Rea and Jaye Davidson, this gritty curio captivated critics upon release, and rode its buzz to a handful of Oscar nods.


25th Anniversary:


The Princess Bride


Indeed, it may seem inconceivable that two-and-a-half decades have passed since Princess Buttercup (Robin Wright) braved the Fire Swamp with Westley (Cary Elwes). After all, Rob Reiner?s rendering of William Goldman?s fantasy novel holds up remarkably well, still deeply funny and superbly paced in all its genre-mashing. It?s hard to pick a favorite supporting player, but odds are many would choose Billy Crystal as Miracle Max, a medicine man like no other.


30th Anniversary:


Blade Runner


Rightly deemed as one of the greatest sci-fi films of all time, Ridley Scott?s ?Blade Runner? is a visionary titan of the genre, and surely the signature adaptation of a work by the brilliant Philip K. Dick. A rain-soaked, dystopian noir that explores the subculture of artificial ?replicants,? the movie boasts Harrison Ford?s best brooding tough-guy performance, his Rick Deckard serving as a bogie for the future.

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  • TheDude said...
    Mandy Moore is pretty smokin. I wish I was cool enough to date her. Does anybody know how I can get her number?

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