Monday, April 2, 2012

Visas available for young people to live and work in Canada

March 30 2012 by Helen Johnson

Global Visas has reported a release of 5,350 places by the Canadian High Commission for this year?s International Experience Canada working holiday programme.

Reports suggest that an "unprecedented" number of applications have already been received. The number of UK applicants is likely to have been fuelled by the current record levels of youth unemployment.

Employment in Canada however, experts say is still available. Gordon Campbell, Canada's High commissioner to the UK affirmed that there is a "big call for skilled labour in hospitality and construction in the western provinces, Alberta and British Colombia and in Toronto and along with the ski resorts." He also stressed that, "We are one of the economies in the western world that is currently very strong."

The IEC visas, Global Visas explain are aimed at people who wish to travel and work at the same time. Casual jobs in sectors such as retail are reportedly the easiest to come by. Rebecca, an immigration consultant elucidates that, "So long as you're flexible about what kind of work you'll accept, it's unlikely that you won't find a job within the first three weeks."

However, due to the high level of demand, delays in responses to applications are possible. The Canadian immigration usually processes applications within eight weeks but it is expected this round could take longer for some applicants.

See the latest Immigration News

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