Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Aspies and programming languages and doing CLI coding ...

Good advices indeed but the truth seems to be that

I am only good at getting people angry on how confused I am.

Not something to brag about or anything easy to make positive use of.

I guess some big company could have hired me to be the annoying
"fake" customer that test how service minded their employees are?

I saw a TV program about their "under cover" work. Pretending to be
real customers they went out to the different chain of stores or departments
and then acted as a "real" customers that where maybe a bit too difficult
just to test how it where taken care of.

Apart from such I seems to only be good at deceiving myself
to ahve talent for music or something. I had no talent for music at all.

But I did spend a lot of time trying to learn how to play and it failed.

I am over 65 years of age so I ahve some 45 years of being grown up?
I started to play music at 15 years and I still can not play music.
And that is despite music being one of my main interest.

But my body lied about it for many many decades and kept a hope
that one day I would be able to play.

So pardon me telling you this but you do come through to me as an optimist?

My English fails me but I am some kind of pessimist. Or some other word
that means something close to pessimism.

1. A tendency to stress the negative or unfavorable or to take the gloomiest possible view: "We have seen too much defeatism, too much pessimism, too much of a negative approach" (Margo Jones).
2. The doctrine or belief that this is the worst of all possible worlds and that all things ultimately tend toward evil.
3. The doctrine or belief that the evil in the world outweighs the good.

Maybe it is a too strong word. It claims too much.
The word pessimist is not enough pessimistic to live up
to what it means. The word pessimism are too optimistic
about it's ability to explain what the words refers to.

Maybe it where defined by a true optimist Smile

My pessimism is more like Murphy's law?
"If something can go wrong then it will happen at the worst possible time
with consequences that none would be able to foresee" Travesty but
you get it I trust


move your money robert schuller guy fawkes day stevie williams steve williams koch brothers weather phoenix

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