Saturday, March 30, 2013

Nuffield Placement Scheme | Mentoring and business coaching - EU ...

What is the Nuffield Research Placement Scheme?

The Nuffield Research Placement Scheme is available?for Schools and Colleges in Northern Ireland, providing STEM (science / technology / engineering and mathematics) placements to Year 13/FE (AS level) students during the summer. The placements are funded by the Nuffield Foundation. Students meeting set criteria by the Nuffield Foundation can be paid ?80 per week for their placement. Students unsuccessful in obtaining a fully funded place but awarded a placement can have their travel costs covered upon application and retention of travel receipts.


What is the participating organisations support likely to entail;

  • As placements are funded by the Nuffield Foundation there is no monetary cost to the participating organisation.
  • Placements last minimum 4 weeks, maximum 6 weeks during which students are expected to be assigned to a specific project defined by the participating organisation and supervised by a member of staff. In the past, students have worked on both large scale projects contributing to a part of their supervisors projects, as well as working on smaller projects that researchers/engineers within the organisation have put on the backburner due to lack of time.
  • Upon completing their placements students are required to have produced a technical report on the research/activities they have been involved in and present their report at a celebration evening.
  • For Project Providers the placements provide an extra pair of hands, permit staff development, promote the company and inspire young people towards a STEM career.


The Project Provider registration form is available to download at the bottom of this page. This can be completed and returned to

Alternatively for further information please visit


Nuffield Project Provider Registration Form



Project Providers Leaflet_2013

Posted on March 29, 2013


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