Saturday, June 30, 2012

Assad's fate unclear in world powers' Syria plan

GENEVA (Reuters) - World powers agreed on Saturday that a transitional government should be set up in Syria to end the conflict there but they remained at odds over what part President Bashar al-Assad might play in the process.

Peace envoy Kofi Annan said after talks in Geneva the government should include members of Assad's administration and the Syrian opposition and that it should arrange free elections.

"Time is running out. The conflict must be resolved through peaceful dialogue and negotiations," Annan told reporters.

The talks had been billed as a last-ditch effort to halt the worsening violence in Syria but hit obstacles as Russia, Assad's most powerful ally, opposed Western and Arab insistence that he must quit the scene.

The final communiqu? said the transitional government should be formed "on the basis of mutual consent".

In a victory for Russia, it omitted text in a previous draft which explicitly said the plan would exclude from government anyone whose participation would undermine the transition's credibility and jeopardize stability and reconciliation.

After the meeting, the United States and Russia contradicted each other over what that meant for Assad, who has ruled Syria for 11 years since succeeding his father Hafez and has been condemned internationally for the ferocity of his crackdown on the uprising against him.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said he was "delighted" with the result. The key point was that the deal did not attempt to impose a process on Syria, he said

It did not imply at all that Assad should step down as there were no preconditions excluding any group from the proposed national unity government, Lavrov said.

But U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said it sent a clear message to Assad that he must quit.

"Assad will still have to go," Clinton told reporters. "What we have done here is to strip away the fiction that he and those with blood on their hands can stay in power."

Annan convened the meeting at the United Nations complex on the shores of Lake Geneva to salvage a peace plan that has largely been ignored by the Assad government. He said at the opening that the conflict was in danger of growing into a regional and international crisis.

At its conclusion, the Nobel peace laureate fielded a question on whether people with blood on their hands could be part of a transitional government by saying:

"I would doubt that the Syrians who have fought so hard for their independence to be able to have a say in how they are governed and who governs them will select people with blood on their hands to lead them.

"I cannot say that I am really happy but I am content with the outcome today."

Annan's plan for a negotiated solution to the 16-month-old conflict is the only one on the table. More than 10,000 people have been killed since the anti-Assad uprising broke out and the past few weeks have been among the bloodiest.

Highlighting the deteriorating situation on the ground, Syrian government forces pushed their way into Douma on the outskirts of Damascus on Saturday after weeks of siege and shelling. Fleeing residents spoke of corpses in the streets.

Britain's ITV showed footage of clouds of black smoke over houses and said warplanes had struck at targets there.

The army also attacked pro-opposition areas in Deir al-Zor, Homs, Idlib and the outskirts of Damascus, activists said.


The foreign ministers of the U.N. Security Council's five permanent members - Russia, the United States, China, France and Britain - all attended along with Turkey, Kuwait, Qatar, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Arab League chief Nabil Elaraby and EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton.

Notably absent from the guest list were Iran, Syria's closest regional ally, and Saudi Arabia, a foe of both Damascus and Tehran and leading backer of the rebel forces. Nor was anyone from the Syrian government or opposition represented.

British Foreign Minister William Hague put a brave face on the Western compromise.

"These have been difficult talks as you can gather from the fact that we've spent more than nine hours discussing it. I think the result is a step forward, it is only a step forward but it is a step forward that is worth having," he said.

He welcomed the fact that Russia and China had signed up to the idea for a transitional government. But he lamented that no agreement had been reached on the question of arms sales to Syria and any future action, including sanctions, at the Security Council.

The agreement also called for people to be free to demonstrate peacefully and the release of political detainees as well as an immediate halt to the violence.

Middle East analyst Hayat Alvi of the U.S. Naval War College said he doubted the Assad government would accept the plan and enforcement of it would be almost impossible.

"The U.S. and other Western powers will not find any flexibility on the part of the Syrian regime, and its allies, namely Russia," he told Reuters from the United States.

"The proof is in the Assad regime's continuous acts of violence against the Syrian people, even while the diplomatic wheels have been turning. The wheels clearly are going in circles without moving forward."

That would likely be the scenario for months as long as Russia continued to support the Syrian government, Alvi said.

The conflict has evolved from peaceful protests against the Assad family's four-decade rule to something akin to a civil war with a sectarian dimension.

The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said at least 56 people were killed across Syria on Saturday.

Syria's border with Turkey was also tense after a Turkish military build-up in response to Syria's shooting down of a Turkish warplane last week.

A Syrian witness said Turkish forces stationed on the border opposite the Syrian town of Jandaris fired machineguns in the air in response to Syrian army bombardment of rebel areas.

After Syrian forces re-entered Douma, troops carried out searches in hospitals for dissidents and rebel fighters, activists said.

Abo Abdullah, 50, said he and his five children left Douma fearing attacks by government forces.

"I saw at least three bodies on a street corner, some houses were destroyed, others were on fire. Only a few people remained inside the city. Those who can, leave," he said.

"I saw a body on the side of the street and dogs were gathering around it."

State news agency SANA said security forces were raiding hideouts of "armed terrorist groups" in Douma and had killed, wounded or arrested scores.

(Reporting by Andrew Quinn, Tom Miles, Stepahnie Nebehay, Robert Evans and Emma Farge in Geneva, Oliver Holmes and Mariam Karouny in Beirut, Peter Apps in London; Writing by Angus MacSwan; Editing by Ralph Gowling)


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Evidence of life on Mars could come from Martian moon Phobos

ScienceDaily (June 29, 2012) ? A mission to a Martian moon could return with alien life, according to experts at Purdue University, but don't expect the invasion scenario presented by summer blockbusters like "Men in Black 3" or "Prometheus."

"We are talking little green microbes, not little green men," said Jay Melosh, a distinguished professor of earth, atmospheric and planetary sciences and physics and aerospace engineering at Purdue. "A sample from the moon Phobos, which is much easier to reach than the Red Planet itself, would almost surely contain Martian material blasted off from large asteroid impacts. If life on Mars exists or existed within the last 10 million years, a mission to Phobos could yield our first evidence of life beyond Earth."

Melosh led a team chosen by NASA's Planetary Protection Office to evaluate if a sample from Phobos could contain enough recent material from Mars to include viable Martian organisms. The study was commissioned to prepare for the failed 2011 Russian Phobos-Grunt mission, but there is continued international interest in a Phobos mission, he said. It will likely be a recurring topic as NASA reformulates its Mars Exploration Program.

A Phobos mission was discussed at NASA's Concepts and Approaches for Mars Exploration workshop and a report issued June 26 stated that the Martian moons are "important destinations that may provide much of the value of human surface exploration at reduced cost and risk."

Melosh collaborated with Kathleen Howell, the Hsu Lo Professor of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, and graduate students Loic Chappaz and Mar Vaquero on the project.

The researchers combined their expertise in impact cratering and orbital mechanics to determine how much material was displaced by particular asteroid impacts and whether individual particles would land on Phobos, the closer of the two Martian moons.

The team concluded that a 200-gram sample scooped from the surface of Phobos could contain, on average, about one-tenth of a milligram of Mars surface material launched in the past 10 million years and 50 billion individual particles from Mars. The same sample could contain as much as 50 milligrams of Mars surface material from the past 3.5 billion years.

"The time frames are important because it is thought that after 10 million years of exposure to the high levels of radiation on Phobos, any biologically active material would be destroyed," Howell said. "Of course older Martian material would still be rich with information, but there would be much less concern about bringing a viable organism back to Earth and necessary quarantine measures."

When an asteroid hits the surface of a planet it ejects a cone-shaped spray of surface material, similar to the splash created when someone does a cannonball into a swimming pool. These massive impacts pulverize the surface material and scatter high-speed fragments. The team calculated that the bulk of the fragments from such a blast on Mars would be particles about one-thousandth of a millimeter in diameter, or 100 times smaller than a grain of sand, but similar in size to terrestrial bacteria.

The team followed the possible paths the tiny particles could take as they were hurtled from the planet's surface through space, examining possible speeds, angles of departure and orbital forces. The team plotted more than 10 million trajectories and evaluated which would intercept Phobos and where they might land on the moon during its eight-hour orbit around Mars.

The probability of a particle landing on Phobos depends primarily on the power of the blast that launched it from the surface, Chappaz said.

"It is estimated that during the past 10 million years there have been at least four large impact events powerful enough to launch material into space, and we focused on several large craters as possible points of origin," he said. "It turns out that no matter where Phobos is in its orbit, it would have captured material from these powerful impact events."

After the team submitted its report, scientists identified a large, nearly 60-kilometers-in-diameter crater on Mars. The crater, named Mojave, is estimated to be less than 5 million years old, and its existence suggests that there would be an even greater amount of Martian material on Phobos that could contain viable organisms than estimated, Melosh said.

"It is not outside the realm of possibility that a sample could contain a dormant organism that might wake up when exposed to more favorable conditions on Earth," he said. "I participated in a study that found that living microbes can survive launch from impacts on rock, and other studies have shown some microscopic organisms can tolerate a lot of cosmic radiation."

This possibility has been a consideration for some time, and Michael Crichton's "The Andromeda Strain" brought it to public consciousness in 1969. However the movie scenario of a fatal contamination is unlikely, Melosh said.

"Approximately one ton of Martian material lands on Earth every year, " he said. "There is a lot more swapping back and forth of material within our solar system than people realize. In fact, we may owe our existence to life on Mars."

Howell also is optimistic that life is not unique to Earth.

"It's difficult to believe there hasn't been life somewhere out there in the vast expanse of space," Howell said. "The question is if the timeline overlaps with ours enough for us to recognize it. Even if we found no evidence of life in a sample from Phobos, it would not be a definitive answer to the question of whether or not there was life on Mars. There still may have been life that existed too long ago for us to detect it."

Melosh recently presented the team's findings at a joint NASA and European Space Agency meeting in Austria, and Chappaz will present the data at a meeting on July 14 in Mysore, India.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Purdue University. The original article was written by Elizabeth K. Gardner.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Apple: goodbye hardware engineering head Bob Mansfield, hello Dan Riccio/Riccio has been at Apple since 1998 and comes from iPad Hardware Engineering.

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Friday, June 29, 2012

Zeek Rewards Scam Review - Can It Be Actually Way too Good To ...

This is the business that is receiving a large amount of recognition nowadays. There is a lot of hoopla all over the net but can it be accurate, is the business the real thing or could they be accurate when they say Zeek Rewards Scam? I was approached a few months ago by a friend who I value very much about this business referred to as Zeek Rewards. This individual attempted to tell me just what the business was about and I have to say, this thing sounded far too good to be true, nevertheless like I said this was from a close friend which I respect, a friend who is a financial adviser, I believe in him. But, even in business I need to perform my own homework and I spent the next a couple of months looking at this company inside and out. And this is precisely what I uncovered.

The Company - Is Zeek Rewards Scam Accurate?

Well, we must initially take a close look at the business. Zeek Rewards is actually not a business instead the marketing arm of a business referred to as Zeekler in which promotes a web based shopping service along with an auction site where customers can obtain items for 60 - 99% off of list prices. Both Zeek Rewards and Zeekler are owned by the parent corporation which has been around for Fifteen years called Rex Venture Group LLC. The company head office are located in Lexington, North Carolina. The organization pays its affiliate marketers from a retail "Profit Pool" which is the company's daily net profit from product sales. The business puts into the pool 50% of the net daily profits each day. Then they disperse them to all affiliates based upon a point system earned to date by each and every affiliate.

All It Requires Is A Few Minutes Per Day - How Can Zeek Rewards Scam Not Be Accurate?

I'm sure this seems insane that is precisely what I was thinking when my buddy said to me, "all you need to do is take A few minutes a day and place a totally free ad marketing the business you then get paid for accomplishing that"! It sounds far too simple. Thus, I did a little investigating and I talked to a number of other folks I know in the industry and I kept receiving the same reply, it is actually all you need to do. You can earn more money much faster by sharing with other people concerning this program however you don't need to do that. Should you don't like to sponsor other people, a person don't need to. You actually can build a big business with time by merely placing an ad, free of charge each day.

OK, Show Me The Dollars!!!

My primary concern as is with a lot of Multi-level Marketing Companies I check out, where's the cash going to originate from to pay the affiliates? Is this merely another "if you get in early you make money but if you get at the end, you don't"? This really is absolutely nothing like that. Let's look at the auction aspect of the company and let's use the penny auction example. Let's say the company has a big screen Television that sells for $1000. The bidding for that Television set starts at $0 then when somebody bids the purchase price rises a cent. Also any time someone bids a clock goes to Something like 20 seconds and starts counting down to 0. Just before it reaches Zero, someone will bid restarting the clock and raising the bid by just one cent. Now keep in mind each bid costs $1 to bid. Let's say the $1000 Television set is sold for $100. Just how many pennies is there in $100.. Yes, 10,000. Thus, 10,000 bids were made and if each bid is $1, the business takes in $10,000 for that $1,000 Television set. That's a net gain of $9,000 of which the business provides fifty percent back to the affiliate marketers, $4,500. With online auctions going on 24-7 the business earns a great deal of dollars each day and it is expanding.

So long as individuals are happy to bid on goods looking to get them for a small percentage of the list cost, this company will only skyrocket with time. As I said previously the business has been in existence for 15 years and it is debt free.

So, If Zeek Rewards Scam Isn't Accurate, Are There Other Methods To Make Money?

The corporation has a incredibly gratifying comp plan and utilizes a 2X5 Forced Matrix. With a forced matrix, you can get affiliates placed directly under you from your up-line. They also pay on compressed levels which mean that they don't calculate the non-active associates inside your matrix. The corporation as well permits top rated affiliates to participate in a Profit Sharing Pool. Over-all, the compensation package is rather solid and can be limitless to the right man or woman ready to put some extra hard work into establishing their own enterprise.

You will find 6 different ways, the matrix I described above plus Zap commissions, your own retail store, the retail profit pool, retail subscription revenue and the shopping Daisy which happens to be an app which enables shoppers locate the lowest possible cost on almost anything they are looking for on the net. It is extremely awesome and very powerful.

Is Zeek Rewards Scam True or Is This A Great Opportunity?

I've been in the Network Marketing for a very long time. I have seen a lot of companies appear and vanish, many we've been a part of. You discover with time things to look for and what to steer clear of. Initially when I first found out about Zeek Rewards I thought this is some of those hear today and gone tomorrow until I realized the parent company is a successful 15 year old corporation that is expanding extremely fast. That's a tremendous plus in my book.

I additionally know of numerous critical leaders in our industry that are now an integral part of this company and who I have profound respect for. They would not enter into anything at all short of rock solid, and this is vitally important for me. The main thing, Zeek Rewards is a very interesting and extraordinary opportunity. I see massive potential for anyone who wants to build their very own company along with a little effort can build something larger than they ever thought possible. I was so impressed with all the research I found that I have become part of this organization. My team, which i've assembled over the years with other organizations, are every bit as enthusiastic and joining Zeek Rewards as well. I am incredibly excited to be a part of this organization.

Zeek Rewards is a great company for individuals who are looking for a company that is strong, growing and easy to build upon. For more information on this subject visit Zeek Rewards Inside. For additional resources about Zeek Rewards here pre-recorded webinar called You Get Paid To Advertise a that will give you details about this opportunity.


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Thursday, June 28, 2012

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Free Article Directory: Surfing Weekly Options - Utilizing The Spread ...

By Ted Nino

Call options started way back in 1973. Chicago Board Options Exchange started the standard call options. The put option started in 1977. It also become famous to many people. Over the years, its growth rate is really amazing. The investors know how options works. Another conclusion that we can get out of this increase will be that investors are using them comfortably and they are using them with various strategies.

The Chicago Board Options Exchange brings a new class option called Weekly Options in year 2005. After the prior options, weekly options is now available. Weekly options are commonly called "weeklys". Options may differ on many ways, however, "weeklys" and monthly options are comparable. Weeklys only last for eight days while monthly options are not. You can get weekly options on Thursdays and it automatically expire after eight days. On the other hand, monthly options has better expirations which is on every third friday of each month. But with weeklys, investors can now enjoy 52 expirations for the entire year.

Investors can use their own strategies for these options. You can choose a lot of techniques for these options. What are the best techniques for weeklys? With the case of weekly options, you can do just about any strategies that you actually use with longer dated option or monthly options. You may notice that these techniques can be done four times monthly for weeklys. You can only use your techniques once for monthly options.

Investors are taking advantage of the final week of an option's life. More time decay curves can be observed on weekly options. There are twelve times payment for investors who goes for monthly options. Investors were paid fifty-two times for getting a weekly option.

The strategies that you can do with weekly options are much the same strategies with the monthlies. You can market both put and calls option. You can also strategies like covered calls, spreads and condors. The three strategies are both good for weekly and monthly options. Obviously, weekly options has shorter time line than monthly options.

About the Author:

Ted 'The Spread is an option selling psychotic - fervent especially with trading the butterfly spread . Click over to his weekly options site to take a look at his very effortless system of riding the weeklys for reliable returns - and more wonderful option income 'stuff'.

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Family Home and Life: Day from my life #19130, give or take 24 hrs

I'm having one of those weeks, you know where you have to change your schedule multiple times daily? Today it changed three times before 8 am. So, I pulled out something I wrote last summer and forgot about?to give you today since I clearly don't have time for something fresh. It was almost exactly a year ago to the day that all this happened. Enjoy!
I have recorded what?a day can be like for me, this day was extreme, but days like this can come at anytime and do. (You can read about the first part of the day with the kids first if you want; below is what followed when they all left and I am home alone.)

I turned on the TV to watch the?news and started cleaning up all the toys; I didn?t stop until it?s all put away before I head to the shower. I am wore out from this busy day.

8:30pm: I am giving myself an overdue pedicure when I realize the wind seems to be picking up speed quickly. (This proved to be a unprecedented storm July 5, 2011)

It has started to rain?and it is blowing sideways! I feel a little frightened because I don?t remember when I have ever heard the wind that loud before. Something slams into the back of the house; then the power goes out! Ok, no need for panic, just find the flash light and some candles and matches.... which are not where they are suppose to be. I use my cell phone as a flash light, calm down and remember where to find things. I send out text messages to all my kids to see if everyone is safe. I don't want to make calls and run my battery down.

One daughter in law calls to say she was driving on the freeway with the baby when the storm hit her, but she is ok now and her phone is going dead. I ask her to please let me know when she makes it home safe, which is 30 miles away and the storm is intense. Everyone has checked in except one daughter.

I?m getting worried about scorpions that come out after dark here?and are sometimes chased into the house by rain.?I've had one climb up my leg before so I sit in my chair with my feet up off the floor in the candle light. After about an hour, the wind is calming down and the rain has slowed to a sprinkle. I go outside to see if anyone has power on our street. It feels nice outside; it?s getting really hot inside. I?m so tired I just want to go to bed so back inside?I lay down in the heat of?my bedroom?and listened to the quiet.

I wish I could talk?with my husband but he is unavailable at work. I thought of all the things I had not done yet on my list for the day. The kitchen cleaned up, the vacuuming, Face Book and emails that weren?t checked. Did I get the mail? I thought about the happy times of the day, the babies and precious grand kids I?ve been blessed with. The first day of school for one grandchild, the first day of a new job for my daughter, the sister of my daughter in law lying in a hospital bed sedated because of the intense pain.

I can?t seem to quiet my mind and I realize I have been too busy for too long; I need a break, not for a few minutes or hours, for a few days. I think about how much it would cost to get away and can we manage it right now. I think again about how quiet it is and how I?ve grown use to the noise of my life, and I?m not sure what to do when I am without all the noise.

My phone receives a text message; a call now would drain my battery completely. Daughter #3 telling me that daughter #2 who had not yet checked in had come home to find their house had been broke into and robbed! The police say it looks like a planned robbery, even took 2 yr olds piggy bank. The house was trashed, lots of valuables taken. ?But is everyone ok?? I quickly text back. I start thinking what this means to them, what they have lost. "Everyone is ok" the message comes back. I text other family members what has happened and wait for replies.

It?s 10pm. When is this day going to be over??Suddenly the power comes back on, so I get up and decide to wait up for my husband to get home from his second job, about 11:30. How could I sleep now? I decide to get on the computer while listening to the news on TV to see what happened during the storm. My short lived time out, my moment of silence, was over.

Next morning, I have forgotten about the silence. I am back in the groove,?although I am over tired. I send a text message to see how the sister in the hospital is this am; I post an update about it for family on Face Book. I discuss the robbery of daughter #2 with the man of my house. I know that yesterdays events will soon be forgotton and life will once again become routine.

But just now, I feel that silence is whispering to me, ?come back, we need to talk. You need to spend time with Me if you are to be what I intended for you to be.? I pause?...yes, that?s true?? but then I see those pots and pans still waiting on the stove for me to wash them. Later, I?ll wash and clean up and then I?ll rest and be quiet, later??.

Copyright? Family Home and Life 2012 All Rights Reserved

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Sen. Hatch and Rep. Rangel turn back primary challenges (Los Angeles Times)

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smiling jdavie: Show Extras ? The Ups And Downs | Shopping and ...

A film added is an actor who appears inside the background within a film. This background actor appears on a non-significant capacity in scenes like an individual inside a crowd, a busy street, and so on. This role demands extremely tiny acting experience if any. Other abilities like reliability, punctuality and capability to comply with directions take precedence to talent. Extras are needed in both motion pictures and television series.

For one particular who wants to be a movie additional, the factor to place in mind is that this is a risky way of living. This can be simply because an additional will only appear in single scenes within the course of getting on set to get a lengthy time; occasionally 24 hours or far more. This can take place no matter whether an added is hired to get a entire film or an whole tv series. It truly is difficult to carve a normal living from this form of employment. This really is simply because a full-time added will function along people that have other vocations. The other individuals could possibly be anything from college students to self-employed or retired folks. These individuals organize their other workload to have space for occasional extra perform. Movie extras can be any individual, but this line of work cannot pass to get a typical job having a steady income. Wages for background actors differ. Independent film organizations and firms like BBC perform about set equity rates of pay applied for movie and Tv extras. Info from Equity rates as of August 2007, tells us that an extra can earn from as low 67 pounds to more than 135 pounds.

Most film organizations will pick extras from where the movie set takes place. This is simply because the film corporations try their very best to help keep travelling fees to a minimum. It can be for that reason, unlikely that the film organization will use precisely the same extras if they select to alter web site. More typically than not background actors will not undergo an interview or an audition for any role. Age is technically not a problem unless an acting license is needed for all those above the law?s age limit. Most film studios will favor to make use of student actors as extras as a stepping stone for them.

It isn?t worthwhile to view operating as an extra as a dependent technique to carve a constant living. One particular could be lucky to earn a considerable amount soon after securing a element inside a series, an whole length of a movie or night-time filming. That is nevertheless, not common and will be disappointing for one particular to count on this to happen frequently. Others may possibly uncover it worthwhile from the thrill of appearing next to a well-known celebrity or huge movie. It is also worthwhile if one is looking for acting encounter or to create up one?s ability inside the field.

We present the most effective info about how to be a movie extra and how to be movie extra. For further details please go to the supplied links.

Looking to find the best deal on movie extras casting, then visit to find the best advice on how to be movie extra for you.

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Obama offers mixed verdict on immigration ruling

(AP) ? Pressing his immigration agenda, President Barack Obama said he is pleased the Supreme Court struck down key parts of Arizona's immigration law Monday but voiced concern about what the high court left intact.

The court allowed a provision requiring police to check the immigration status of someone they stop for another reason and who they suspect is in the country illegally.

Said Obama: "No American should ever live under a cloud of suspicion just because of what they look like." He said police in Arizona should not enforce the provision in a way that undermines civil rights.

The court's decision comes days after the Obama administration issued a directive that protects from deportation hundreds of thousands of younger immigrants who came illegally to the United States as children. Obama on Monday used the court's decision to push for congressional action on a broader overhaul of immigration laws and to reaffirm his move to target deportations to criminals.

"I will work with anyone in Congress who's willing to make progress on comprehensive immigration reform that addresses our economic needs and security needs, and upholds our tradition as a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants," he said in a statement before leaving on a two-day campaign and fundraising trip.

The decision keeps the issue of immigration as a high profile issue and gives Obama yet another opening to boost his standing with Hispanic voters for whom immigration is an important issue. Obama won two-thirds of the Latino vote in 2008 and has a large lead over rival Mitt Romney among that voting bloc in recent polls.

Obama pledged in 2008 to push for passage of comprehensive changes in immigration laws, but the effort stalled in Congress and Obama turned his attention to addressing the economy and pressed ahead with passing an overhaul of health care laws, which consumed much of 2010.

Romney on Monday blamed Obama for lack of action on immigration. He also said states have the right to secure their borders, "particularly when the federal government has failed to meet its responsibilities."

White House spokesman Jay Carney said Monday that efforts to deal with immigration have been hindered by "a retreat" among Republicans who had once advocated changes. He noted that Romney had embraced the Arizona law as a model for the country during the Republican primaries ? a position, Carney said, "that hardly suggests a desire for comprehensive bipartisan immigration reform."

The Supreme Court on Monday struck down other provisions of Arizona's crackdown on illegal immigrants, including requiring all immigrants to carry registration papers with them.

"A patchwork of state laws is not a solution to our broken immigration system ? it's part of the problem," Obama said.

That echoed what Obama said in April 2010 when Arizona passed its law. "If we continue to fail to act at a federal level, we will continue to see misguided efforts opening up around the country," Obama warned at the time.

Associated Press

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The Green Bard: Exotic pets in captivity ? the good and bad side

Panther Chameleon male

There is a definite attraction in keeping exotic pets but whilst there is a booming trade supplying these animals there is both a good and a very bad side to the business. What is positive about this is that many people really do love and care for the creatures they have in captivity, but this comes at the expense of all those millions that die after being captured in the wild and are kept and transported in very bad conditions. The ones that end up on sale are often a minority that survived, although many are captive bred which is fair enough. The appeal of tropical and exotic animals is often because they are very colourful, unusual or just plain cute to look at. Chameleons come into all these categories. The number of people interested in these strange reptiles can be seen by the millions of views videos on Youtube get for the creatures. The Panther Chameleon (Furcifer pardalis) from Madagascar is one of the most popular species, coming as it does in dazzling shades of vibrant blue, brilliant red and vivid green. These strange reptiles have become so popular there is a range of books about them. It is all well and good if people look after their exotic pets but so often this is not done. Even with the best intentions many tropical animals are very hard to keep in captivity and many grow very large. ?Some reptiles such as alligators, iguanas and snakes, such as pythons, end up getting released into the wild. In some cases non-native animals set up breeding colonies and become invasive species at the expense of creatures that are already living there. There are many examples of this. The American Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) is a notable one because it eats smaller creatures including endemic species of frog and other amphibians.

Slow Loris female

Some species of exotic animal are actually being brought close to extinction due to the demand for them. The Slow Loris (Nycticebus coucang) is one such creature, and it is usually subjected to horrific cruelty too. The animal has a venomous bite and so to make them safe collectors and dealers pull out or clip out their teeth using no anaesthetic and leaving the terrified animals bleeding badly and subject to infections. All of this, just because they look ?cute,? and can make some money for some poor villager in Indonesia or other part of Asia where they live.

Many species owe their survival to being kept in captivity where they are successfully bred. Such is the insanity of the modern world that it really is true that some types of animal are safer in the care of humans than living in the wild.

Zebra Pleco. Photo by Birger A

Habitat destruction is a major threat to so many animals and plants today. The black and white Zebra Pleco (Hypancistrus Zebra) catfish from Brazil is one fish that may end up surviving only because of its looks that have made it popular with tropical fish-keepers. It lives only in a limited area of the Xingu River and if the Belo Monte Dam is built the conditions this fish needs will be destroyed. P?re David's Deer?(Elaphurus davidianus) is a deer from China that only survived because of a captive herd that all living animals of this species are descended from. It is extinct in the wild. It is very easy to say that all wild animals belong back in the wild but it is not that simple. In some cases, such as the deer mentioned above, the species would no longer be alive if they had not been kept by humans.?

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